On this weeks Manuscript Monday Meredith recommends "It’s Not the Stork! by Robie H. Harris".

I borrowed this book from the library after it was recommended by several friends. Its targeted audience is children four and up, and includes information such as the similarities and differences between males and females, how babies are made, and sex. It uses direct and simple language, and includes illustrations of anatomy (inside and out) with two cartoon buddies (a bird and a bee) commenting on the content along the way. It answers many of the questions kids have about body differences and where babies come from using accurate language. It does not broach the subject of gender identity, and uses girl/women and boy/man to describe males and females. A great book for parents that want to talk to their kids about where babies come from and sex differences, but don’t quite know where to start. It briefly describes sex (a special kind of loving) in the least uncomfortable way without being inaccurate--not always an easy task. This author/illustrator pair have a couple more books for older kids that I’m also going to check out.