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Virginia Fairbank

Manuscript Monday: Lessons in Chemistry

On this weeks Manuscript Monday Virginia recommends Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus.

If you haven’t read this book yet (gasp!) now is the best time to run to your local library to pick it up. This book is a beautiful coupling of a woman in the ‘50’s perplexed by society holding her back merely for her gender and a love story of science.  It is a captivating story of triumph and tragedy with a good dose of humour along the way. Don’t cheat and watch the tv series ahead of reading the book! 

Book Interrupted is launching Lessons in Chemistry in October 2024 for the Season 4 theme 'books turned into movie/tv shows'. We look forward to you tuning in to hear what the BI crew thought of the book and would love to hear from you in the Instagram comments what you thought about it too! 


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