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Seeing Red Playlist

Members of Book Interrupted

Sometimes reading the book isn't enough. During this recurring blog segment, Book Interrupted members share songs that made their playlist and why.

This playlist was inspired by the book Seeing Red by Kirsten Karchmer. Listen to the full Spotify playlist here or watch it here on YouTube.

What's on your playlist?

PMS Blues by Dolly Parton


“Most times I'm easy going, some say I’m good as gold

But when I’m PMS I tell ya, I turn mean and cold”

Who doesn’t love a little Dolly—and who doesn’t hate PMS?!”

Blood In The Boardroom by Ani DiFranco


In this song, DiFranco gets her period during a business meeting. The song presents periods as a source of power and not something to be embarrassed or ashamed of.

“It ain't no hassle, no, it ain't no mess

Right now it's the only power

That I possess

These businessmen got the money

They got the instruments of death

But I can make life

I can make breath”

Hurt by Nine Inch Nails


“This was more a tittle choice. It’s a rad song but doesn’t particularly line up with menstruation. Just a deep dark powerful tune with a good name that reminded me of cramps.”

Period Song by Peach


“The proof is in the pudding, or Period Song in this case. I had some songs that I thought of on my own for this playlist, but this song I found by Googling. I’d never heard it before that, but I thought it was so good! It really captured the spirit of Seeing Red. My favourite line is:

“Everybody says talking about vagina is wrong,

That’s exactly why I wrote this period song”

and you could say that’s exactly why I chose this Period Song, too.”

Hold On by Wilson Phillips


“Do I even have to say why I chose this song? It’s awesome and has always been awesome! I was listening to it while I was having one of my tranquilizer periods, which thanks to Kirsten Karchmer are not as common for me anymore. Anyway, I thought it was relevant, because if I could just “hold on” for one more day then the extreme tiredness, pain, and bloating will be gone as though they were never there. “

The Red by Chevelle


“I chose this song for the seeing red playlist because, a) there were moments when I was reading this book that I became incredibly angry and furious over how women's health has been/is treated poorly; and, b) sometimes imbalanced hormones make us rage and lash out with behaviours that are hurtful to others and which we're not proud of. Although the book is so much more than just anger and covers other topics in addition to hormones, this song helped me process some of the feelings that came up while reading.”

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