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This Playlist is For the Birds!

Members of Book Interrupted

Sometimes reading the book isn't enough. During this recurring blog segment, Book Interrupted members share songs that made their playlist and why.

Something the robin knows? How to inspire an awesome playlist! This one is for the birds, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Find our what songs the Book Interrupted members were humming while reading What the Robin Knows by Jon Young. Listen to the full Spotify playlist here or watch it here on YouTube.

What's on your playlist?

Till There Was You by The Beatles


“Sure, this song has birds in it, but that's not the only reason I picked it. I like the idea that the "you" in this song is either Jon Young or an actual bird, and it tickles my funny bone."

Birds by Kate Nash


"Right, birds can fly so high

And they can shit on your head

Yeah, they can almost fly into your eye

And make you feel so scared

But when you look at them and you see that they're beautiful

That's how I feel about you

I put this song in my own playlist last year, but I just adore it. It tells a love story that is quirky and messy and real. My other favourite lyrics: “All the stars up in the sky and the leaves in the trees. All broken bits that make you trip up and grassy bits in between. All the matter in the world, that's how much that I like you.” What does it have to do with What the Robin Knows? Maybe just that it talks about birds, but that’s enough for me to include it!"

Wildflowers by Tom Petty


“I chose the song "Wildflowers" by Tom Petty because it's sweet and reminds me that spring is coming. The song is like a permission slip to be wild & free, it marks new beginnings & has a freshness to it even the melody is somewhat melancholic. I enjoy the song's simplicity in lyric, tune & instruments. It reminds me of being outside in nature, of being young & naive but also connected to something more important - the earth, its plants, animals, lakes & rivers, its mountains & fields, as well as connected to the spiritual past of me. This song reminds me of the book because part of what the book is about is being still, silent & listening to nature & the birds, listening to a different form of communication.”

Konichiwa Bitches by Robyn


“My “What the Robin Knows” playlist picks were all picked because they are either by an artist named Robin (Robyn) or have the word ‘Robin’ in the title. Pretty straight forward; but good tunes none the less! ”

Show Me Love by Robyn


"So, thinking about this book's playlist got me thinking about the artist Robyn, for the obvious reasons. This threw me into a Robyn essentials playlist. I totally forgot how many great songs she has. Honestly, I dare you to listen to Show Me Love and not smile."

Meadowlarks by Fleet Foxes


"I choose this song because I have two very fond memories of this song. First, when I was very broke trying to keep my business afloat Lindsay took me to see a Fleet Foxes concert and it was a spectacular night. It was a kind and generous surprise that I cherish. Your true friends are always there in your darkest moments to shine some light in.

Secondly, my first child needed to be “paced” to sleep. I used to have to walk back and forth across a room or my apartment to get her to fall asleep, however, one day I discovered if I put this song on, she would also get sleepy. On days she was having trouble falling asleep I’d use both."

Did we miss an obviously awesome song? Let us know in the comments below and we'll add it to the playlist.


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