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White Fragility Playlist

Members of Book Interrupted

Sometimes reading the book isn't enough. During this recurring blog segment, Book Interrupted members share songs that made their playlist and why.

It's a blast fromt the past! I'd say throwback Thursday, except it's Sunday. Hmm. How about Season 1 Sunday. Here's our playlist inprired by our first fan book White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. Listen to the full Spotify playlist here or watch it here on YouTube.

What's on your playlist?

With My Own Two Hands by Ben Harper


“I can change the world, with my own two hands”

I think this song is self-explanatory. We're all capable of changing the world. If I want a different world, I need to put in the work.

DNA by Kendrick Lamar


“Well… it’s an amazing jam. I dare you not to bop your ass off when you listen to this banger. The song has some exquisitely crafted rap paired with some serious power and anger. It feels proud. It really spoke to me during this time, (2020 & 2021,) when so many voices of colour were having a well overdue on traditional and modern media.”

Suplex by The Halluci Nation


“I chose this song because part of the way I try to do anti-racism work is by using whatever platform I get by way of my privilege to draw attention to other culture’s and ethnicity’s voices.

I also chose this song because I love the mash up of electronics with tradition Indigenous chanting.

Finally, I’m sure we can find lots of ways the title ‘Suplex’ can be interpreted through the lens of White Fragility. For example, perhaps becoming educated on White Fragility and learning how blind you may have been can feel like a Suplex to your ego :)”

7 Seconds by Youssou N’Dour and Neneh Cherry


“I thought this song fit this book because it’s about the first seconds of a baby’s life and how it doesn’t know the tone of skin its living in. It’s the world that creates that bias. I also love Youssou N’Dour, he’s Senegalese and not only sings in French and English but also Wolof, which is the language in Senegal.”

Strange Fruit by by Billie Holiday


I chose this song for the white fragility playlist because well, what can I say? Racism is real. We've come a long way since the release of this song AND there's still a long way to go with our anti-racism work.

I Can’t Breathe by H.E.R.


“Because you think your so-called "Black friend"

Validates your wokeness and erases your racism”

“To say all men are created equal in the eyes of God

But disparage a man based on the color of his skin

Do not say you do not see color

When you see us, see us

We can't breathe”

These lyrics speak for themselves.”


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